Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 4: Part 1, Tokyo National Museum

I had a late start this day because, I'm blaming jet lag again, after eating at Kamen Rider the Diner I suddenly felt absolutely horrible and hightailed it back to the ryokan as fast as possible where I collapsed on the futon again. That's when I came to the realisation that I was not going to be able to climb Fujisan. After a nap (a long nap) I went to the front desk to see if I could stay another night. The obaasan that thinks I'm adorable was there and was very happy to extend my stay. Then I went and had another soak in the bath (I <3 Japansese baths).
Anyway, I slept late too and I didn't have any real plans so I didn't get going until almost 9 am. But it turns out I should have delayed a little more because I decided to go to Akihabara and nothing was open. Maybe Akiba is more of a nightime town. But I have noticed that rush hour is around 8:00 am to 9:30 am. The train I took to Akiba wasn't too crowded, but the seats were all pushed up so it was standing room only. The Akihabara station is a fairly big one so there were lots of people there, but as soon as I got on the streets, there weren't too many people. After wandering around awhile it seemed like it was going to be a little while before things started to open up so I decided to head to Ueno park.
Ueno park holds a lot in interesting museums and cultural attractions. I headed to the Tokyo Natioal Museum which is the biggest and most important one. On the first floor I wandered into a room with no exhibits and the nice man there did his very best to explain. There was a table that was a representative map of the museum, each room was a different texture indicating what it was. So the metalwork room had a tile that was metalwork. There was a map key as well. It seemed to be made for the blind, but I have to wonder why you come to a museum if you can't see the exhibits? It is a nice gesture though.
The museum held a lot of important cultural artifacts and they were all nicely labeled telling which ones you were allowed to take pictures of, and the really important ones included descriptions in English.

Of course, most of the pictures I took were of armor,



 and sassy birds.


  1. Sounds like jet lag is putting a damper on your adventure. I hope you fully recover asap.

  2. Ohhh, armor and weapons! Nice.
