Friday, July 5, 2013

Day 4 Part 2, Ueno Zoo

After the museum I was feeling hungry so I went to one of the restaurants in the area. I'd had to pay to get in that area and I didn't want to leave yet. The restaurant was predictably somewhat expensive, but also served Americanized food and was patronized almost exclusively by pairs of older ladies. The food was pretty good though.

I don't know what is up with the lemon again. I did not eat it.

After eating I wandered around some more. The museum of archeology was dissapointingly closed, and I couldn't find a way to get into the tea house gardens, if there was one open. So I headed for the zoo.

The big draw of the Ueno zoo is their Pandas. The was a lot of propoganda for the pandas. As they were right by the entrance, that's where I went first. One of the pandas was happily munching on bamboo which was drawing a pretty big crowd, but I managed to get some pictures.

 Trolololololololol. I'm so funny.

Here, have a panda.

This is an elephant statue that had mist spraying all around it.

Here's a picture of some elephants that if I had taken a few seconds later would have been elephant porn.

Apparently this zoo is pretty sucessful at breeding. I'm pretty sure that they put something in the water because the lions were going at it too. What makes this even more awkward is that the zoo is a popular date spot. I'm not talking a little poplular, either. Of course there were a lot of families with small children, a couple foreigners, but it was probably more than 50% couples. They were also a alot more talkative and affectionate than anywhere else in Japan that I've seen.

Anyway, have some cute bears.

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